Modern Languages

Welcome to the Modern Languages Department!

The Modern Languages Department at Dumbarton Academy offers courses in French and Spanish.

The study of French and of Spanish also allows learners to appreciate the society and culture of another country, while developing the skills necessary to live and work in a world that is becoming increasingly multilingual.  

Staff in the department have a commitment to delivering high quality teaching and learning which will help pupils to develop their skills in the areas of reading, writing, listening, talking.

This year, we are working with our ‘Language Ambassadors’ to help promote Modern Languages throughout the school. They will be working closely with the teachers in the department to create a series of different activities and take on a variety of different roles throughout the year. We are really excited to get started with this new project and we are looking forward to seeing what they can achieve this year.

During session 2016/2017 and continuing this year, we are working closely with our feeder Primary schools in delivering lessons to the P7s in preparation for starting at Dumbarton Academy in S1. Having this opportunity, not only allows us to build stronger relationships with the pupils before they arrive but it also help to build their knowledge and skills of French and Spanish.

The structure of our course is as follows: In S1 and S2, pupils study ½ a year of French and ½ a year of Spanish. At the end of S2, pupils are given a choice as to what language they can study in S3. This allows for an opportunity to build upon the skills they have already developed in S1 and S2 and to deepen their knowledge before they are asked to make their choices for National Qualifications.

A portion of our S3 pupils who have not opted to study a language this year, are currently working towards gaining a ‘Modern Languages for Life and Work’ award in Spanish.

We aim to offer Supported Study for all Senior Phase pupils working towards gaining a qualification. Please speak to your teacher about arranging a day and time.

The Modern Languages Department at Dumbarton Academy offers courses in French and Spanish.


Miss C Thomson (subject leader)

Mr G Barul

Miss A McGunnigle

Courses available:

  • S1 French / Spanish (BGE)
  • S2 French / Spanish (BGE)
  • S3 French / Spanish (BGE)
  • National 4/ 5 / Higher Spanish (Senior Phase)
  • National 4/ 5 / Higher French (Senior Phase)

Our Language Ambassadors