Dumbarton Academy School Library

Library is closed for lunch between 12:35pm and 1pm

Library Opening Times
Monday - Wednesday8:30am to 4:00pm
Friday8:30am - 3:30pm
Lunchtime Availability
MondayS1 - S2
WednesdayS3 - S4
FridayAll Year Groups
Any dayS5 - S6

Please remember the rules when using the library :-

  1. Be courteous and respectful to all
  2. No food please
  3. No mobile ‘phones

Library Information

The School library at Dumbarton Academy offers a welcoming environment and we have a wonderful selection of fiction and non fiction books to promote reading for pleasure and also support learning across the school curriculum. All pupils can borrow books from the library to read in class or to take home.

Library Resources

Your school library provides access to :

  • Fiction and non fiction books
  • Computers and the Internet
  • Issues Online (homework resource)
  • Author visits
  • Competitions

Your school library membership card and pin number also provides access to:

You can also use your school library membership card in all West Dunbartonshire public libraries.

Click here to visit the West Dunbartonshire Public Libraries site.

Borrow Box must reads

Borrow Box Must reads

Borrowbox is an online library facility which provides access for pupils and parents to audiobooks and e-audio books.

To access this you must sign up through the West Dunbartonshire library which you can do here

You can access BorrowBox when and if you are registered by clicking here westdunbartonshire.borrowbox.com/