British Science Week

British science week is taking place from the 12th -16th March.

There will be events held across the school during this week to celebrate science – key your eyes peeled!

On Wednesday 14th March at 6pm there will be a showcase in the school, including demonstrations and a presentation by Paul Beaumont on Bioluminescence.

The event is free and it would be great to see as many people there as possible!

If you want to be involved in any of the demonstrations, speak to your science teacher!


Pretty Muddy 2017

Calling all Dumbarton Academy Ladies (Staff and Pupils)

If you fancy getting muddy with your friends  and raising money for Cancer Research UK then join the Dumbarton Academy Race for Life Team.

The cost for the event is:

  • 13 – 15yrs – £10 registration fee + £5 transport
  • 16+ yrs – £19.99 registration fee + £5 transport

Due to nature of the event this is over 13’s only.

Please see Miss Hawkins by Friday 25th August.